Friday, December 27, 2019

President John F. Kennedy And Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Former President John F. Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., gave the world two of the most iconic and historic speech in American history. In January of 1961, John F. Kennedy gave his infamous Inaugural Address. Not even heavy snow fall could deter JFK’s inaugural address. His mission was to reassure the American citizens their strengths and at the same time, motivate them to inspired the world. One of the most famous phrases for Kennedy’s speech, â€Å"And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country. One the other hand, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. speech â€Å"I Have a Dream† is a public speech during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. King was one of the most famous American civil rights activist. His mission for this iconic speech, was a call for an end to racism in the United States of America. Thus, this speech was a defining moment in the civil rights movement and was done so , at the Lincoln Memorial. Dr. King was a Baptist minister and was the driving force behind the civil rights movement. He demanded justice for the unjustly. Mainly the people of color. Both men, Dr. King and Mr. Kennedy, had some what of the same visions of America. Their goals for America in their speech demanded peace and prosperity. Kennedy said, â€Å"Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure theShow MoreRelatedMartin Luther King And The White House922 Words   |  4 PagesMartin Luther King and The White House Throughout the Civil Right Movement, Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK) and other civil rights leaders worked with the executive branch to move towards equal rights. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Theme Fair is Foul and Foul is Fair in Macbeth by...

The Theme Fair is Foul and Foul is Fair in Macbeth by William Shakespeare The witches in a barren heath are the first to mention Macbeth - thus indicating that he, the main character of the play, has, or will have a very strong tie to them and evil. Shakespeare opens the play with a dark and mysterious atmosphere, setting the mood of the play using a thunderstorm, an example of pathetic fallacy, a device used effectively throughout the play. This opening suggests that a battle is going on between good and evil; the witches reinforce this suggestion: When the battles lost and won. This play immediately gives the impression of deceit and evil scheming because as the witches riddle relates Fair†¦show more content†¦Scene Three returns to the witches and we find them discussing the way in which they have drained a shipman of his human quality. This can be seen as a prophecy of Macbeths future - as he is gradually reduced to inhuman evil. There is a sense of dramatic irony as we see what the witches are up to as Banquo and Macbeth are unaware of the ir presence. Macbeths statement: So foul and fair a day I have not seen, a repetition of what the witches earlier said, clearly links Macbeth to the witches. The witches prophecy that Macbeth will become Thane of Cawdor and King and that Banquos children shall be kings. The two friends dispute about what the witches had to say, and there seems to be a sense of rivalry and jealousy between them. We see Macbeth starting to tread his own path, as he feels certain that the witches prophecies are true, especially when King Duncan bestows on him the title of Thane of Cawdor. Macbeth is already quaking - with both fear and excited anticipation - at the idea of becoming King and we hear in a soliloquy that he is already contemplating murder - high treason. Banquo is more suspicious of the instruments of darkness (the witches). However, Macbeth also starts to back out of murder, thinking of a way that Chance personified will be able to make himShow MoreRelated Supernatural in Shakespeares Macbeth - Beyond the Fair and Foul1059 Words   |  5 PagesMore to Macbeth than Fair and Foul      Ã‚  Ã‚   The statement Fair is foul, and foul is fair does not thoroughly express the many themes of Shakespeares Macbeth.   The first time this statement occurs is very early in the play, when the witches chant the exact line Fair is foul, and foul is fair(I.i.12) only for Macbeth to repeat it himself two scenes later.   This repetition of the lines shows that the characters themselves believe that there are many foul events taking place.   Firstly, one canRead MoreMacbeth Literary Essay : Fair Is Foul And Foul Is Fair1297 Words   |  6 PagesMacbeth Literary Essay: â€Å"Fair is foul and foul is fair† In the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare, the characters are often mislead by the impression of reality. The quote â€Å"fair is foul and foul is fair† (Shakespeare 1.1.12), is said by the three witches. This quote is very significant, as it is an elaborate theme throughout the play. Also, the word fair means good, and foul means evil. Fair is foul and foul is fair is a theme that demonstrates how appearances often differs from reality. ThisRead MoreMacbeth Equivocation Essay1003 Words   |  5 PagesThe story of William Shakespeare’s Macbeth is a classic one of betrayal and destiny. One of the major themes of the play is the use of equivocation to create ambiguity. The definition of equivocation from the Oxford dictionary is: the use of ambiguous language to conceal the truth or to avoid committing oneself; prevarication. The very definition of equivocation contains the use of ambiguity, thus making the two very connected in terms of the story of the play. Equiv ocation is used multiple timesRead MoreEssay Macbeth Themes: Fair Is Foul and Foul Is Fair900 Words   |  4 PagesThe theme of ‘Fair is foul, foul is fair’ permeates throughout the play Macbeth. Explain what it means, providing examples from the play to support your answer: One of the most important themes in the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare comes from one of the last lines in Act 1, Scene 1 of the play. The three witches speak this simple line ‘Fair is foul, and foul is fair,’ shortly before they disperse and it becomes a prophecy and an underlying warning for the rest of the play. The connotationsRead MoreMacbeth - Appearance vs. Reality1537 Words   |  7 PagesAppearance vs. Reality – Macbeth: Commentary Macbeth is a play written by William Shakespeare, which focuses on the life of Macbeth. Out of the four Shakespearean play categories, it is categorized as a tragedy, as the events of the play ultimately lead to the downfall of the protagonist, Macbeth. The theme of appearance versus reality is constantly repeated throughout the play, as it greatly contributes to the development of the plot. The idea is constantly conveyed by the characters using a pleasantRead MoreOne of the most important themes in the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare comes from one of the600 Words   |  3 PagesOne of the most important themes in the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare comes from one of the last lines in Act 1, Scene 1 of the play. The three witches speak this line Fair is foul, and foul is fair (1:1:12), shortly before they disperse and it becomes a prophecy and an secret warning throughout the rest of the play. This one line becomes more and more important as the play unfolds beginning even with Macbeth’s opinions at the beginning of the story and lasting throughout the play withRead MoreFate Vs. Free Will988 Words   |  4 PagesThroughout the scottish tragedy Macbeth, William Shakespeare plays with the concept of fate versus free will in the the title character, Macbeth. This internal conflict is sparked and continued by the presence of the witches; three old hags whose primary purpose is presumably to serve evil. The three witches are in control of Macbeth throughout the play by incanting prophecies that ultimately remove Macbeth’s free will. Shakespeare chooses the witches to serve as the stimulant for Macbeth’s unethicalRead MoreAppearances are Deceiving in Shakespeares Macbeth. Reference quotes to the text and lines cited.1495 Words   |  6 PagesThe Renaissance play The Tragedy of Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare, truly demonstrated a compelling tale of greed, power, and jealousy. The play revealed the turn of a good nobleman into a powerful and greedy king. It showed audiences how one crime led to another and eventually to a gruesome melee. Throughout the tragedy there appeared to be a reoccurring theme stated finest as appearances are deceiving. The audience is first introduced to the theme in the first scene of the play where theRead MoreEquivocation in Macbeth2636 Words   |  11 PagesEquivocation in Macbeth In Macbeth, Shakespeare uses the theme of equivocation to effectively illustrate the evil nature of the witches. Equivocation is the use of ambiguous expressions in order to mislead. The prophecies of the witches play a mischief in this play, as they are a form of deception that at times use vague language to dodge an issue. The three influential prophecies, which the witches make in this play, are that the protagonist Macbeth will become the king of Scotland, BanquoRead MoreTheme of Fair is Foul in William Shakespeares Macbeth Essay2104 Words   |  9 PagesTheme of Fair is Foul in William Shakespeares Macbeth Fair is Foul is the major theme in Macbeth and is present throughout the play in both the characters and the events. Fair is Foul refers to the contrast of good and evil in the play, since Macbeth commits many evil murders for what seem to be good reasons. There are several false and secretive characters, such as the Witches, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, because of the contradiction of good and evil. Therefore the

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Emerging Technologies and Innovation Security

Question: Discuss bout the Emerging Technologies and Innovation Security. Answer: Introduction E-commerce security is a powerful tool that not only reach markets and improves the service but it also enhances the operation chain of any organization. Although, in nonprofessional terms it is a process of doing business through computer networks but today, it helps in carrying out business in much accessible as well as in easier terms (Hossain, 2015). Conversely, there has been a transformation in getting work done through an individual. Electronic E-commerce that is existed as electronic transformation exchanges but constitutes to hold confidential information in private as well as public organizations. After many transformations as well as advancements still opts to be a major concern over any electronic technologies. Although, with growing issues, ecommerce security has been facing lost trust from technology as well as daily business transactions. On the other hand, m-commerce increases the concern when there is frequent sharing of data that is leading to various compliant issues, data loss in handling payments (Shahzad and Hussain, 2013). However, the authentication and integrity can only be achieved if there are some secure policies that can not only help in analysing the target sites but will also will be bound to check the services of high profile web servers. Overview of the Research Issues The research issues highlight the e-business issues that result in ecommerce issues. The web and the internet technologies in the new virtual world has one of the mainstay of the millions of consumers in the real world such that e-business have to look for challenges in the field of security. The large departments in e-business have been outlined due to the different traditional issues that lead to different security challenges. The filter in the data in accessing data is made to ensure but despite attempts, there have been denial-of-service attacks creating a troublesome security and making e-business with ecommerce inaccessible to consumers, business as well as government (Kleine, 2013). The major issues that have been experienced in the number of systems and networks experiencing online transaction are the security problems in home/client computers where cookie helps in enabling as well as stealing of financial data by the third party hackers. The other possible issue is encryption, which comes up due to wireless networks (Alsharfa, 2015). M-commerce, on the other hand, has been creating problems of data stealing and eavesdropping at showrooms as well as point-of-sale stores. The firewall problems leads to hacking of old as well as new purchasing orders with other processing agents creating problems for the organizations. The other securities that needs considerate amount of revision are computer security (assets that are unauthorized access, alteration or destruction) and logical security (assets that are not secured on nonphysical means) (Carroll, 2014). Overview of the Problems related to E-commerce Security In e-commerce, the security issues have not only origin from the communication but also through internet that have disrupted the flow of information in all directions. The vulnerabilities of these issues have not been intact to consumer network but also have been in different services and network with the privacy issue of the data from business to consumer and business-to-business (Stair Reynolds, 2013). Consumer privacy has been the most common form that has been taking place by hindering the alteration of the data through financial fraud and identity threats. The DDOS as well as phishing attacks highlight that the portal through which the interaction happen to high profile web servers is not safe. As a result, the consumers as well as business are restricting themselves to using e-commerce as well as m-commerce services because without security and trust, the consumers are shifting back to traditional methods (Rahim, 2013). On the other hand, issues in transaction security, system operations as well as personal data security has been threatened by unwanted intrusions. In addition, the earlier hacking attacks have been prominent as the hackers are able to successfully penetrate in the servers and he same has been most common in shopping web servers like,, and many more. One more attack that had been common in this scenario have been the sniffer attack that is through encrypting network traffic where the network is transformed into topology switching (Fan et al., 2013). The collapse of network security architectures highlights the hackers shifting to client base through sniffer attacks that had led to two main threats of e-commerce security in client base. Moreover, they are Trojan horse programs and viruses as they disrupt the system and cause a grave threat into breaking into the system; further aligning with data integrity attacks (Basta, Basta, Brown, 2013). Related Work Issue in Ecommerce security encompasses the potential desecration that lead to malicious insiders attacking the security and causing harm. The threats and malicious frauds common in ecommerce are of grave importance, as they possess high potential risk in all kinds of transactions that took over the server levels and lead to code attacks as well as technological failure. As per e-business, e-commerce is an internet-based procedure that is not only threat prone but is also susceptible to threat due to poorly written programmes (Salah, 2013). The threats in ecommerce can be of two types that is active as well as passive such that the former changes the actual data and as a result, ecommerce server receives the fraud data, which can also be known as Man in the Middle Code Attack whereas the latter spies on the transmitted data (Jotwani Dutta 2016). Cybercrimes also constitutes to be a part Ecommerce security because of poor technical infrastructure. Cybercrime also proves to a hold an affecting client security through high profile web servers by infiltrating the communication channel security. The security overview can further be violated while tricking the shopper in online shopping; loopholes and patches serve guessing passwords leads to security hazard plots (Tsele, 2016). Issues and Attacks in E-Commerce Security As per Sen, Ahmed Islam (2015), there are various attacks that can take place in the e-commerce security and that are malicious code attacks and denial of service attacks accompanying various issues to consumer, business and government in transaction, system operations as well as privacy issues. The malicious attacks can be in the form of Trojan Horses as well as Viruses and where the former is a dangerous programming code that can self-replicate and can lead to loss or theft of the data causing possible harm in the system and disrupting the process of ecommerce security barriers. The latter attacks the host file and is the most publicized threat to the client systems. This is evident because of the older operating systems that have in-built security. Overall, it is mostly dependent on the business environment depending the significant worms that have more files and resources. Conversely, the issues that can be identified in the e-business system are software development, network and wireless and mobile issues. The software development issues is based on the debug of the oversight or mistake in the computer program can lead to wrong hands because of formatting of the information and wrong rendering. The exchange of data undertaken in the software systems like changes in the network and communication protocols followed by infiltration in the security patches leads to possible vulnerabilities that are often used as a tool by hackers in stealing information and infecting business system. The other issue that has been highlighted to deal with privacy issue is the threat of basic securities arising from different attacks. According to Singh (2014), the distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) is the attack where many log in requests can be posted in a server for many user ids so that there is a flood of networks and legitimate users do not access the network facilities. The Domain Name System and Attacks leads to replication of databases. SQL injection is the other threat in which the third party (hackers) executes commands in the application databases through clients login. Cross Site Script (XSS) is the way of inserting malicious scripts into web pages is elevated because of admittance privileges that are accessed due to sensitive page content. However, to combat these issues, it is important that secure electronic commerce has been required in secrecy, integrity, availability, key management, authentication and non-repudiation. The secrecy needs to be required in the reading messages related to online payment methods through credit cards or any other confidential information. On the other hand, integrity mechanism builds an envelope in which the digital messages are altered. The availability is acquired for assurance and key management is important for distribution to provide secure communications. Non-repudiation and authentications needs to be through undeniable end-to-end proof to identify messages receipt as well as signatures and certificates. Proposed solution to E-Commerce Security Issues The threats and attacks in e-commerce security is rising, as a result, there is growing concern from the customer that whether the information shared is secured or not leading to loss of trust in online high profile web servers interaction. However, as seen the attacks and threats are result of payments as well as the confidential data shared online while performing online shopping or paying fees and bills online. The possible solutions that can be provided to e-commerce security based on the possible attacks and threats are through personal measures whether limiting the traffic directed to the computer or infected through spyware through Personal Firewalls (Ndunge, 2013). Secondly, it can be done using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) in which the data is transferred in an encrypted form such that all the information that needs to be kept private where can check the certification using https://, which can be recognized. PCI Standard Compliance is the other measure which is merges with the payment card security to provide an extra level of protection for card issues that can sure that the merchants in both online as well as in showrooms using brick and mortar provide basic levels of security in saving client information through transferring the card data. On the contrary, this can be met by other approach as well that is SET (Secure Electronic Transaction) (Miller et al., 2014). Other methods like Digital Signatures and Certificates adds to the basket while keeping authentication as well as integrity through a hash function which states that the numbers are encrypted using a public key which is sent to the recipient so that the message digest volume remains the same (Niranjanamurthy Chahar, 2013). However, the Certificate Authority scrutinizes as well as sanctions this digital document. However, other various methods are even implied to ecommerce security starting with password policies based on guessing passwords such that the login attempts can be reduced to a considerable amount, installing recent software patches in which bugs and vulnerabilities can be reduced from the hackers as soon as they become available (Cobb et al., 2012). Figure: Digital Signature Process Source: (Sethi, 2015) On the other hand, one of the main changes that the e-commerce can achieve is through Public Key Infrastructure in which overall strategy is to work with security mechanism, risk efforts as well as business practices. However, this is distributed using public keys in which secure communication system is established using digital certificates. However, systems in which PKI can be used are emails, various chip card applications, home banking system, value exchange with e-commerce and electronic postal systems (Singh, 2015). Figure: Public Key Infrastructure Source: (Kim et al., 2013) Technology Related Advancements (2010- 2016) Last few years have seen many security incidents that have not only involved breach in the organizations but has also resulted in migration of information from high profile webs servers to web based platforms on an everyday basis and has been growing since then. However, Experts have noted a trend that can be recognized in the cyberspace through types of attacks that have been targeting ecommerce as well as retail organizations as well as their clients. However, with growing concern as well as the maximum number of breaches happening in 2014, there is a need of access control management. Traditionally, control can be performed using complying with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) (Palmer, 2014). One method that can be useful is the Cloud Computing in which variety of computer services have been using enterprise software applications as emails and other computer application to get the delivery done over time. Cloud based platforms have been proved to be the s martest to achieve efficiencies and advances in the demand if business strategies (Trend Micro, 2014). On the other hand, the technology that has been broadly classified is Hybrid Encryption Technology in E-commerce Database such that it helps in utilizing mixture innovation and thinking through favourable position having a high as well as rapid effectiveness from the position of entering the username to updating the password (Shrivastava Singh, 2016). The hybrid encryption in performed using original information from the client, is encrypted through a key which produces a cipher text in the internet whereas the same information can be performed using vice versa. Contrary to this, the other method that can be analysed in the ecommerce security is Biometric Technologies, which is suited for different application whether it is to navigate through complex vendors or through eye of future development in standards of technology. The biometric technology needs verification of the client using voice, signature, face, iris and retinal investigation and hand geometry. This is used because any error in network and computer access will lead to shut down access in event of violation of the sensitive data. With biometrics technologies, the arrival of Java 2 Enterprise Edition has been able to support the critical pieces that are needed (Ratha, Connell Pankanti, 2015). However, XML prepares to play a critical role in not only organizing neutral standard data exchange amongst clients, organizations but also implying International Communication Technology (ICT) that combines the role of XML as well as Java Programming language in business to consumer ecomme rce sites (Rahman Dung, 2015). Experimental Analysis The testing ideas of ecommerce issues highlights that though the present system is an automated system but presently it has technology constraints and problems of unreliability with use of authentication and identification. The PIN system used through SSL and SET can be tracked. On the whole, with Biometrics and with arrival of Java 2 Enterprise Edition can be unbeaten which is not easy with Personal Identification Number used. Experimentally, it is seen that non-biometric softwares and recognition of threats as sloe when it comes to retail organizations as it does not tracks the nature of changes augmented (Pande, 2016). Traditionally, the methods used have been considered most beneficial using digital signatures through PKI as a means of verification of integrity of data and authentication. In order to attain legal status it is important to gain asymmetric cryptology employed in its production such that the key is used to decrypt the message. This can be considered as a good system where two parties living far off can perform their own activities while reducing the likelihood of fraud in the transactional as well as personal security. However, non- repudiation of communications are provided using public key cryptography with digital signatures and hash functions (Delfs Knebl, 2015). Conclusion Data security, in this way, is a vital administration and specialized necessity for any proficient and successful instalment exchange exercises over the web. This paper dissect to give a system to various exchange calculation in e-trade to secure the online exchange framework. In any case, security threats about security related matters have grown. Obviously, innovation gives an answer as well. Be it the operation of two-factor authentication, SET, PKI or SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), each piece helps in making the web a more secure spot to make exchanges. Nevertheless, innovation is not the last arrangement. To bring security so that the information do not get lost while transmission and extortion exchange could not happen is our principle concern. We need to discover the answer for this e-trade security issues viably. In conclusion, the difficulties that E-Commerce industry face for the security issues can be minimized by the Implementation of different security convention and rehear sing of encryption, validation, and secrecy. Recommendations Program training, introduction projects will get to be more basic to expand the general masses' consciousness of security on the Internet. IT and monetary control/review bunches inside the ecommerce site ought to frame a union to overcome the general imperviousness to executing security rehearses at the business level. Industry self-direction of shopper security appears to be inadequate. The FTC security study and its proposals to Congress may bring about the presentation of enactment on protection issues. References Alsharfa, R. (2015). Performance Evaluation of TCP Multihoming for IPV6 Anycast Networks and Proxy Placement. Basta, A., Basta, N., Brown, M. (2013).Computer security and penetration testing. Cengage Learning. Carroll, J. M. 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Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Running Head X-Rays an Example of the Topic Science and Technology Essays by

Running Head: X-Rays X-Rays are the rays of short wavelength. X-Radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation composed of X-rays. X-Rays poses greater wavelength than gamma rays but shorter than Ultra Violet rays. X-Rays are also known as Roentgen Radiation (Peter, 1995). X-Rays are being used in number of fields; they are widely used for Radiography & Crystallography. X-Rays are form of ionizing radiation & can be dangerous in some cases. Patients usually wear metal sheet while facing X-Rays to weaken the harmful effects. Need essay sample on "Running Head: X-Rays" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed X-rays are similar to visible light rays. X-rays are wavelike form of electromagnetic energy composed of small particles known as Photons. X-Ray photon is produced by the movement of electrons in atoms. When an electron drops in lower orbit, it needs to release some energy in the form of photons. The energy level of photon varies depending upon the distance of electron fall between orbital. When Photon collides with another atom, the atom absorbs photon energy & boosts an electron to higher orbit if the energy level of photon does not match with the difference between two electron positions, the photon can't shift electrons between orbital. A larger atom is more likely to absorb photon energy, smaller atoms are less like to absorb photon energy so they can't shift electron like larger atom. X-Rays machines put the some concept for the production of X-Rays. X-rays are being used in hospitals, clinics for identifying bone structure. Radiology is a specialized field of medicine it is also used for detection of disease in soft tissues (Laurens, 1995). Pneumonia, lung cancer, chest Cancer, ileus, kidney stones, gull stones can be easily identity with the aid X-Rays (Emilio & Antonella 1994). U.S. Government has listed X-Rays as a carcinogen since 2004. There are a number of other uses few of them are as follows: X-ray crystallography, X-ray astronomy-ray microscopic analysis-ray fluorescence, Industrial radiography. X-Rays are also used for security airport security luggage scanners also uses X-Rays for inspecting interior view of luggage. Ionizing radiation also provides visibility to a human eye. X-rays are beneficial in real world by number of ways, X-rays give new life to medicine and it helps a lot to doctors in the detection of many diseases. X-Rays are also used for security reasons. It helps doctor to peer inside patient's body without a surgery. Dentists are taking advantage of X-rays in form of their dental equipments. X-rays are also used to study large objects like stars, galaxies and black holes. Pharmaceutical companies use this technology "X-Ray crystallography" for the detection of protein structure in order to design better products. It is now used in number of fields in order to produce quality product in market. They are also used in determining molecular structure of different elements. Security has become easy with the use of X-rays in different scanner & equipments. X-Ray provides inner side of an object which helps doctor, dentist to diagnose disease without surgery. X-Rays have given new life to medicine field; number of tasks is now easy with the help of X-Radiations. X-rays are dangerous rays for human some precautionary steps are always taken to weaken the harmful effects. X-Rays are now using in number of fields around the world. References Emilio, Antonella Ballerna (1994, Biomedical Applications of Synchrotron Radiation: Proceedings of the 128th Course at the International School of Physics -Enrico Fermi- 12-22 July 1994, Varenna, Italy: p.xv, IOS Press. Peter (1995). 'W. C. Roentgen and the discovery of x-rays'. Ch.1 Textbook of Radiology., GE Healthcare. Laurens V, (1995), Automatic Detection of Rib Borders in Chest Radiographs, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, and 14(3):525-536.