Saturday, February 22, 2020

TV Violence and Aggressive Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

TV Violence and Aggressive Behavior - Essay Example Regardless of the grade of movie, media is continuously exposing alcoholic beverages as a source of fun and fashion. Advertisements during children programs are not carefully designed and contain aggressive behavior, exposure to alcohol and smoking etc. Advertisements today contain sensual messages and images which are contributing to the likelihood of early sexual initiation in adolescents. Advertisements are influencing the psychosocial environment by sexual exposure on television, music videos, internet and movies. Alcohol consumption encourages aggression and violence as the normal brain functions are disrupted due to alcoholism. Alcohol is responsible for weakening the brain mechanisms which keep rash, violent and aggressive behaviors under control. This aggression is one of direct effects of alcohol consumption. Hence, increased alcohol consumption may be related to increased aggression and violence (Gustafson, 1994). Children get a lot of information from television and believe what they watch. They trust their favourite characters beating the monsters and so called ‘bad guys’ after having an energy drink or milk or some other product. They perceive it all to be true and are more likely to consume that particular product and imitate those characters in every possible manner. Such portrayals are of course not true and advertisements are exaggerating the energy and effects of products. They target children because children are easily influenced by such fantasies. Children who watch aggressive and violent movies are likely to behave aggressively and choose violent games to play than those who do not watch television or violent shows. The advertisements nowadays are targeting young generations and are using different characters as powerful objects and promoting their products by portraying them as a source of energy and supremacy (Chaves, 2008). The characters of children’s favourite movies, cartoons and games are portrayed with a cigarette, wine bottle or involvement of that character in some sexual activity also affect the children’s perceptions and thoughts. The aggressive behaviors of action animated characters (like superman, batman, power-puff girls etc.) also increase the probability of their future aggressive behaviors. Advertisements involve these characters to attract young consumers and indirectly affect their behaviors. Children live in their fantasy world and believe everything they watch or are told of. They perceiv e the effects of products as are exposed and try to use the brand that their favorite cartoon character or hero uses in the media content. The irony is the fact that they imitate the action of those characters which more often result in aggressive behaviors and leave long lasting effects on their behaviors (Strasburger, & Donnerstein, 1999). The act of imitation and copying the media characters, however, is not the only way children are affected by violence exposure. One more common psychological process that is associated with media exposure is desensitization. This process points towards the emotional response of a person as a result of a particular action. People who are exposed to the dangers associated with wild animals are more likely to become psychologically upset and emotionally aroused if they face them in real. They are more likely to fight against it or protect themselves in some way. However,

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