Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Education and Chief Guest free essay sample

Review Your Role, Responsibilities and Boundaries as a Teacher in Terms of the Teaching/Training Cycle. Review your role, responsibilities and boundaries as a teacher in terms of the teaching/training cycle. ROLE OF A TEACHER A teacher’s role is to ensure that they deliver a relevant, informative, easily understood method of training to their learners. If delivered correctly it will enable those learners to gain knowledge, increase their skills which in turn will increase their confidence and ability enabling them to possibly change career, gain promotion at work, have the ability to cope better using the new skills and knowledge gained resulting in reduced stress levels. To enable a teacher to fulfil their role to the best of their abilities (Gravells,2009) states they will also become involved in assessing, facilitating, instructing, motivating, coaching, mentoring, counselling, lecturing, presenting, training, tutoring, being a practitioner and preceptor and supporting learners. To complete the role of a teacher he/she will need to follow a training cycle which should consist of the following: Identify needs of learner Plan and design training course Deliver or facilitate the course Assess the effectiveness of learning of each individual learner and ensure they are achieving desired quality and standards of learning. Evaluate both the course outcome from a learner’s viewpoint and also specific teaching methods used are adequate for the learner’s needs. It is absolutely essential that throughout the teaching process a professional relationship between teacher and learner is maintained at all times and that all relevant organisational protocols and codes of practice are adhered to. (Gravells 2010) Failure to keep that professional relationship could cause issues in relation to familiarity, unconsciously giving preferential treatment causing other learners to feel neglected and resentful which in turn could cause a decrease in interest and learning ability. By not following protocol and codes of practice the teacher runs the risk of losing credibility, failing to JOIN NOW FOR FREE 623 Words Essay on The School Annual Day One of the most anxiously awaited occasions in any school is its annual day. Great excitement and hurried activities are visible all around. The prize-winners and those who are participating in the cultural programme to be presented on that day are especially elated. Even those who are not actively, involved are excited to have a study-free day in school, filled with fun, frolic and amusement. The preparations for the annual day begin much ahead of the day itself. The school gets a complete face-lift with all the classrooms thoroughly cleaned and charts on all subjects, carefully made by the students and artistically displayed on the walls. This is done to impress the Chief Guest, other guests and parents. The venue of the function is decorated with Writings, balloons, banners and lights. Another important feature of the preparation is the regular practice session of the cultural programme to be staged on the appointed day. Students, participating in the dance, drama and music programmes, are called for long rehearsals. Again, those who have stood first in class in academics and various inter-class and inter-school competitions, are made to undergo the actual practice for the day through a mock-session, so that they know how to conduct themselves in the presence of the august audience. The Head Boy is made to write out his speech under the guidance of a teacher and he too is required to rehearse it. The long-awaited day, finally, arrives and everyone seems to be immensely busy and hectic, rushing here and there for one reason or the other. All, including the principal, the teachers and the participants in the cultural programmes seem greatly excited and worried. Those who are supposed to come to the stage tremble in excitement and fear. The rest of the students help to arrange the stage and look forward to a day of fun and frolic. As the Chief Guest arrives, the school-band springs into tune. He is escorted by a reception-committee, including the members from the Managing Committee, the principal, teachers and students. To start with, the principal delivers a speech, in which he first welcomes the Chief Guest and then details the highlights of the school-results in the Board’s Examinations and the awards that the students have won in various activities. Then the Chief Guest is requested to deliver his speech. It is followed by a speech from the Head-Boy, who thanks the teachers for their affectionate guidance and teaching, provided by them. He also expresses gratitude to the Chief Guest for accepting their invitation and for all the compliments/ he has conferred on the school. Finally, the Chief Guest is requested to give away the prizes to the students. The prize- giving-ceremony is also an interesting event to behold. Each time the name of a prize – winner is called out, the band strikes inarching tune and the student marches up to receive the prize and thanks the Chief Guest. The cultural programme begins after the prizes have been awarded. Songs are sung by the students, the dance and drama items are presented and one sees the hard work, the students have put in during the rehearsals, reaching its culmination. The function ends with the manager of the school giving a vote of thanks to the Chief Guest and the parents for sparing their valuable time to be in the school. The last to come is the National Anthem, at the tune of which, all those who are present stand in attention. Then there is a controlled movement towards the exit. Parents wait outside for their children. Those who have won prizes and those who have performed on the stage are lovingly received by their parents. Finally, everybody goes home, bidding adieu to each other.

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