Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Strategies For Managing Stress At Workplace - 2123 Words

BAIS3010 - IT Professional Development Studies Strategies For Managing Stress At Workplace Section: A02 Yang Liu 11-12-2016 Abstract In this paper, I expect to discuss factors which lead to stress in the workplace. Are individuals stressed in the workplace? What causes stress in the workplace? Who is mostly stressed: men or women? Are individuals being exposed to stress management techniques? By recognizing stress in the workplace, employers can act appropriately to reduce stress. The outcome can benefit social and family relationships, as well as preserve ones health and make people more productive in organizations. Contents Abstract 1 Introduction 3 What is Workplace Stress? 5 What are things that cause stress at the workplace? 6 Stress at work warning signs 8 Organizational strategies for managing stress 9 Individual strategies for managing stress 10 Organizations which can help people dealing with stress. 12 Conclusion 13 Reference 14 Introduction Stress affects millions of people. One of the most common forms of stress is that related to our careers and the workplace. In today s economic difficulty, work related stress is even more pronounced than ever before. Everyone who has ever held a job has, felt the pressure of work-related stress. Any job can have stressful elements, even if you love what you do. According to the American Psychological Association s (APA) annual Stress in America Survey. 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